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Austere Cooking


We will be humanely dispatching, field dressing, processing and cooking a domestic farm animal such as a goat or sheep. You will learn to properly butcher and prepare the animal from a highly qualified and certified butcher. This is a hands-on course, and we fully understand that the act of dispatching a living animal can seem daunting, and affects everyone differently. With that in mind, we do our best to provide a supportive teaching environment for everyone involved.


We will be humanely dispatching, field dressing, processing and cooking a domestic farm animal such as a goat or sheep. You will learn to properly butcher and prepare the animal from a highly qualified and certified butcher. This is a hands-on course, and we fully understand that the act of dispatching a living animal can seem daunting, and affects everyone differently. With that in mind, we do our best to provide a supportive teaching environment for everyone involved.


  • Obtain an understanding of nutritional needs in a survival situation, and where to source these vital nutrients
  • Better understand how to avoid foodborne illness
  • Reduce supply chain dependency and increase self-reliance
  • Learn to evaluate animal health pre and post mortem
  • Understand how to break down and process an animal efficiently, minimizing waste of useful resources
  • Learn how to safely handle and prepare meals in the wild with minimal modern technology
  • Enhance student creativity and critical thinking skills
  • Camp Craft & Bushcraft techniques to assist in cooking in austere environments


  • Enhancing Nutritional Values that are directly related to
  • Cognitive Abilities
  • Hygiene/Sanitation in primitive and austere environments
  • Physical Exertion
  • Stress
  • Metabolic Recovery
  • Preventative Nutrition


  • Animal identification and health evaluation
  • Animal body composition, muscle structure, cuts, nose to tail uses, including non-edible body parts
  • Harvest and slaughter techniques, field dressing, and in-field safe handling and food safety techniques


  • Basic animal identification
  • Healthy animal ID pre-&-post slaughtering
  • Knife skills
  • Field skinning
  • Sanitary filed butchering practices for Foodborne illnesses reduction
  • Organ identification – healthy organs vs unhealthy
  • Whole animal fabrication methods in the field
  • Further processing and butchering for meal planning
  • Muscle structures – Understanding nutritional values from nose to tail
  • Muscle structures – Understanding best cooking methods
  • Create short/long Term storage areas
  • Basic Fire pit and smoking shack building
  • Basic Understanding of open flame cooking techniques
  • Meal preparations in field environment
  • Utilizing indigenous ingredients for nutritious flavorful meals
  • Utilizing the organs, entrails and bones for added nutritional meals and safe handling
  • Field kitchen setup
  • Frontier methods of cooking with Cast Iron
  • Field cooking techniques:
  • Open flame
  • Smoking
  • Hot Coals
  • Dutch oven
  • Knowing proper cooking temperatures avoiding foodborne illnesses
  • Short Term meat curing
  • Jerky processing in the field

The survival training is very intensive and is almost entirely hands on with very little lecture time. The advanced survival training is not so difficult that family and older children can’t attend though. These are skills that your friends will be impressed with the next time you go camping or hunting and these are skills that tend to stick with you for a lifetime. The skills are taught in a laid back survival camp environment. Self-reliance skills truly give you an empowered feeling because after your training you will be confident to walk into any environment and take care of yourself, your friends, and your family. If you need advanced survival training to increase your bushcraft skills and overall comfort, then this is the perfect course for you!

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