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Colorado is notorious for its snow, downhill and backcountry skiing. It is also notorious for its sudden flash storms and blizzards that commonly catch the unsuspecting outdoor adventurer off guard. Many have died in Colorado because we have blue skies in the morning but by midday, a vicious storm has rolled in before an unaware hiker has time to react. Even the most experienced of hikers have become trapped in Colorado’s snow storms. Colorado may not have the largest amount of constant cumulative snow, but will be the type of weather conditions a typical outdoorsman will find himself in during the winter. You will not get the convenience of a 12 foot snow drift to build your winter palace.
Surviving in the extreme cold is mostly about staying warm, keeping your body temperature up and getting out of the elements. The traditional survival techniques do not always apply, due to the cold and wet surroundings. This course will teach you how to build snow and primitive shelters that will allow you to ride out a storm and how to build a fire to keep you warm in frigid temperatures. We will discuss the dangers of hypothermia, frostbite, dehydration, and snow blindness and ways to prevent them.
Avalanche danger in Colorado is very high and a frequent killer of man, so we will go over what to look for to keep you out of harm’s way when you are traversing through the backcountry.
In this 3 day class, we will teach you the basics of cold weather survival so that you will be able to spend the night out in the wilderness. Your key survival tactics will be to stay warm and dry so we will primarily focus on fire and shelter during these two days.
- Proper gear/clothing selection for cold weather
- Hypothermia wrap
- Primitive shelters and snow shelters (snow pending)
- Primitive and Modern fire starting methods in a cold environment
- Use of snow as water
- Full Length Body Fire and the All Night Fire