Meet Our Resident Instructors

Our team of expert outdoor educators and wilderness survival instructors are dedicated to empowering you with the skills and techniques needed to adventure into the wilderness with confidence. At The Survival University, we teach both the hard skills of wilderness training as well as leadership mindset and situational awareness. Our resident instructors are a dedicated team of professionals who provide a safe, fun and welcoming learning environment. We invite individuals of all levels of experience including youth & family as well as advanced outdoor professionals training for their next expedition.
Each of our instructors bring a unique set of skills and experience to our programs. We're proud to work with some of the best outdoor experts from around the country. We invite you to read below as we introduce the TSU Resident Instructors who have each attended our 50-Day Instructor & Wilderness Immersion Training Program.
Jason Marsteiner
Jason is the founder and lead instructor of Colorado Mountain Man Survival and The Survival University and a celebrated author of the must-have guidebook, "Wilderness Survival Guide - Practical Skills for the Outdoor Adventurer." Jason's extensive knowledge and expertise in all things survival have been honed over decades of experience in the wild, and he's dedicated his life to teaching others the skills and techniques needed to thrive in even the harshest environments. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer looking to up your game, or a complete newbie just starting out, Jason's proven methods and practical insights will help you become a true wilderness warrior. Join us on this epic journey and discover the secrets of survival from one of the best in the business!
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Hello, I am Jason Marsteiner and I am the owner/founder of Colorado Mountain Man Survival, LLC and founder/CEO of the non-profit organization, The Survival University. I decided to officially start this journey in 2010 when I made the move to establish a Survival School to pass on my knowledge to all those interested, but there is much more purpose behind it than just being with like-minded individuals.
I’m a Wilderness Survival Instructor and I teach people how not to die in the backcountry. I can survive off the land with little more than a knife. Take my knife away and I will make one out of nothing. I get asked at least once a week about being on Naked and Afraid. That’s not happening. Not because I’m scared of being naked, but because the show is about drama, not skills, and I don’t like drama. I’ve been on the news multiple times on foreign travel channels, in books and magazines, and am a published author of "WILDERNESS SURVIVAL GUIDE - Practical Skills for the Outdoor Adventurer". If there is ever a zombie apocalypse, then I’m your man! If we are ever in a plane crash in some remote area, I’m not your man because... Murphy ’s Law and every horror movie ever made, states that I am first to die in the crash. If I do happen to survive then no worries... our vacation just turned into an adventure!!!
But enough with the glamorous things. I am a Colorado native, born on the base at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and, soon after, moved to and grew up in the small mountain town of Cripple Creek. While there I was with the volunteer fire department, worked as a tourist guide, ran a coal fired steam locomotive, worked construction, and even worked in an active gold mine. When I wasn't going to school or working, I was on an adventure in the surrounding mountains. As a child, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing and what everybody deems as survival and prepping skills, was just a way of life for my parents, my sister, myself and pretty much everyone we associated with. What people call being a prepper or a survivalist these days was called common sense and was a way of life when living in a small mountain community. When most kids were doing what most kids do, I was packing my survival kit and heading out into the hills to see what kind of adventure I could find, and it began molding me into who I am today.
After high school, I attended the University of Northern Colorado with a focus on Wildlife Biology before turning my sights on a technical “career”, which I found completely unfulfilling. It paid the bills and allowed me to still spend a lot of time outdoors, but that was not my passion. Having spent a good deal of my life in the city working for corporate America, I know the reality of living in the world that most live in today. When I realized survival and prepping became popular in 2010, I found a use for my lifelong experiences and returned to my roots with the hope of getting my fellow man back to nature as well as teaching them the skills needed to make it home to their loved ones.
I have found that my experiences have given me the knowledge, personality and drive to teach others, as well as the ability to put together a well-trained team to pass on a wide variety of skills to you. I have been running the Colorado Survival School since 2010, but to earn my instructor certification, I trained for 45 days in the forests of Arkansas and Missouri and 12 days in the jungles of Costa Rica, with not much more than a basic survival kit. I achieved my first BWLS, (Basic Wilderness Life Support), certification through the University of Utah School of Medicine and have kept my Wilderness First Responder certification current over the years with Off Grid Medic, LLC.
I am not a mountain man as most perceive it, running around in a bear skin coat and a raccoon hat, but I am a mountain man, nonetheless. I don’t consider myself to be a hardcore survivalist or a bushcrafter. I’m not a prepper or a tactical firearms instructor. What I am is a well-grounded jack-of-all-trades with a desire to share the vast knowledge that I have of, what I feel, is a very important subject. What I am is a hunter, a fisherman, a hiker, a camper, a backyard homesteader, a cook, a family man, and an outdoorsman that incorporates the skills of survival and bushcraft to do what I love to do in my everyday life. I have spent thousands of hours in the backcountry honing and practicing my primitive and modern survival skills and continue to train and learn new skills, any chance I get. What I am is a woodsman!
Many people ask what got me into teaching survival. There are many levels to this answer, but it started with my father as he pretty much taught me everything I know about being an outdoorsman. He laid the groundwork for it all in my early childhood, but 1993 is when the path ultimately changed. That year I turned 17 years old and that year my father died in a tragic accident that probably could have been avoided. It impacted me greatly and I believe it is what set me in this direction. After developing many more life, practical, and survival skills over the years through first-hand experience, I decided that if I could bring one father, one mother, one son, or one daughter home to their family by teaching them what I know; that is what I was going to do. I hope that you never face a survival situation, but if you do, I hope what you learn from me and my team of instructors will bring you home to your family.
My intentions are to run a family-friendly survival school while also offering more intense programs that many of you desire. We strive to offer classes for younger individuals to get them back to nature and away from today’s ever-evolving technology, as well as run separate courses for adults looking for a true survival experience or to those that just seek skills to better themselves.
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Meet Jason Marsteiner – founder of Colorado Mountain Man Survival and The Survival University, celebrated author of "Wilderness Survival Guide," and a seasoned expert with decades of wild experience. With a commitment to sharing vital skills, Jason's proven methods cater to both seasoned adventurers and newcomers. Embark on this epic journey with one of the best in the business and uncover the secrets of survival.

Aaron Hutchings is a true Coloradoan, born and bred. As a seasoned veteran and proud father of four, he has always had a thirst for adventure that began with his grandfather, a bona fide mountain man and hunting guide. From the tales and teachings of his grandfather, Aaron was inspired to explore the great outdoors and seek out thrilling experiences. This passion was further ignited during his time with the Boy Scouts and ultimately turned into an all-consuming inferno during his service in the elite Marine Corps.
Hello, I am Jason Marsteiner and I am the owner/founder of Colorado Mountain Man Survival, LLC and founder/CEO of the non-profit organization, The Survival University. I decided to officially start this journey in 2010 when I made the move to establish a Survival School to pass on my knowledge to all those interested, but there is much more purpose behind it than just being with like-minded individuals.
I’m a Wilderness Survival Instructor and I teach people how not to die in the backcountry. I can survive off the land with little more than a knife. Take my knife away and I will make one out of nothing. I get asked at least once a week about being on Naked and Afraid. That’s not happening. Not because I’m scared of being naked, but because the show is about drama, not skills, and I don’t like drama. I’ve been on the news multiple times on foreign travel channels, in books and magazines, and am a published author of "WILDERNESS SURVIVAL GUIDE - Practical Skills for the Outdoor Adventurer". If there is ever a zombie apocalypse, then I’m your man! If we are ever in a plane crash in some remote area, I’m not your man because... Murphy ’s Law and every horror movie ever made, states that I am first to die in the crash. If I do happen to survive then no worries... our vacation just turned into an adventure!!!
But enough with the glamorous things. I am a Colorado native, born on the base at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and, soon after, moved to and grew up in the small mountain town of Cripple Creek. While there I was with the volunteer fire department, worked as a tourist guide, ran a coal fired steam locomotive, worked construction, and even worked in an active gold mine. When I wasn't going to school or working, I was on an adventure in the surrounding mountains. As a child, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing and what everybody deems as survival and prepping skills, was just a way of life for my parents, my sister, myself and pretty much everyone we associated with. What people call being a prepper or a survivalist these days was called common sense and was a way of life when living in a small mountain community. When most kids were doing what most kids do, I was packing my survival kit and heading out into the hills to see what kind of adventure I could find, and it began molding me into who I am today.
After high school, I attended the University of Northern Colorado with a focus on Wildlife Biology before turning my sights on a technical “career”, which I found completely unfulfilling. It paid the bills and allowed me to still spend a lot of time outdoors, but that was not my passion. Having spent a good deal of my life in the city working for corporate America, I know the reality of living in the world that most live in today. When I realized survival and prepping became popular in 2010, I found a use for my lifelong experiences and returned to my roots with the hope of getting my fellow man back to nature as well as teaching them the skills needed to make it home to their loved ones.
I have found that my experiences have given me the knowledge, personality and drive to teach others, as well as the ability to put together a well-trained team to pass on a wide variety of skills to you. I have been running the Colorado Survival School since 2010, but to earn my instructor certification, I trained for 45 days in the forests of Arkansas and Missouri and 12 days in the jungles of Costa Rica, with not much more than a basic survival kit. I achieved my first BWLS, (Basic Wilderness Life Support), certification through the University of Utah School of Medicine and have kept my Wilderness First Responder certification current over the years with Off Grid Medic, LLC.
I am not a mountain man as most perceive it, running around in a bear skin coat and a raccoon hat, but I am a mountain man, nonetheless. I don’t consider myself to be a hardcore survivalist or a bushcrafter. I’m not a prepper or a tactical firearms instructor. What I am is a well-grounded jack-of-all-trades with a desire to share the vast knowledge that I have of, what I feel, is a very important subject. What I am is a hunter, a fisherman, a hiker, a camper, a backyard homesteader, a cook, a family man, and an outdoorsman that incorporates the skills of survival and bushcraft to do what I love to do in my everyday life. I have spent thousands of hours in the backcountry honing and practicing my primitive and modern survival skills and continue to train and learn new skills, any chance I get. What I am is a woodsman!
Many people ask what got me into teaching survival. There are many levels to this answer, but it started with my father as he pretty much taught me everything I know about being an outdoorsman. He laid the groundwork for it all in my early childhood, but 1993 is when the path ultimately changed. That year I turned 17 years old and that year my father died in a tragic accident that probably could have been avoided. It impacted me greatly and I believe it is what set me in this direction. After developing many more life, practical, and survival skills over the years through first-hand experience, I decided that if I could bring one father, one mother, one son, or one daughter home to their family by teaching them what I know; that is what I was going to do. I hope that you never face a survival situation, but if you do, I hope what you learn from me and my team of instructors will bring you home to your family.
My intentions are to run a family-friendly survival school while also offering more intense programs that many of you desire. We strive to offer classes for younger individuals to get them back to nature and away from today’s ever-evolving technology, as well as run separate courses for adults looking for a true survival experience or to those that just seek skills to better themselves.
Aaron Hutchings is a Colorado native, veteran, and father of four. He was raised in the Rocky Mountains by a real mountain man and hunting guide he called Grandpa. His love for adventure was first sparked by his grandfather’s teaching and stories. This spark was blown into flame in the Boy Scouts and fanned to a full-on bonfire in the Marine Corps.
Hutch was honored to serve with Special Operations K9 both pre and post 9/11. Because he was K9, Hutch had the privilege of attending several schools, federal and private, that many servicemen would not normally get to attend. It also sent him on many missions ranging from extremely dangerous to just flat out amazing. The Corps is huge on pulling people out of the field occasionally, especially during war, to teach real world things they have learned. It was during a course with Special Operations Training Group that Hutch realized he loved to teach. This lead Hutch to seize the opportunity to train and teach unique skill sets in multiple environments.
After completing courses with some of the most recognized outdoor programs in the country, such as Willow Haven Outdoor (Creek Stewart), Sigma 3 Survival School (Justin Sage Williams/Josh Hamlin), and Pathfinder School (Dave Canterbury), Hutch understood that most outdoor enthusiasts can’t afford the time or expense of travelling the country to acquire the diverse skills offered by multiple schools. This sparked the idea of becoming a lifetime student and full-time instructor. Hutch’s incredible generosity, broad skill set, and hilarious storytelling allows adventurers, regardless of background or experience level, to have a truly unique experience in the wild.
Most recently Hutch has been an assistant teacher for the instructor program at Sigma 3 Survival University in Missouri and a lead instructor for kids classes and K9 classes for Mountain Marrow experiential learning. He also has had the honor of teaching online classes for his friend and teacher, Creek Stewart, on Hutch is honored to be included among the list of professional instructors teaching at The Survival University and began to join the team at the end of 2019. His short-term goals are to go through the Survival University instructor program and continue to train with the best he can find to fine tune his skills and teaching and to head a full throttle children’s program based on introducing real life skills in a nonthreatening, fun, and memorable fashion to help prepare future generations for their adventures and to be their own heroes.
Hutch believes that we can all relearn the skills of our ancestors and adapt them to fine tune our modern skills and tools. Whether you are a descendant of the Vikings, Native Americans, Picts, or other honorable people, one thing is undeniable: none of us would be here if our ancestors were not survivors. One does not have to be a Green Beret to enjoy the outdoor skills and life that they provide. Most of the things taught to the elite forces around the world have merely been lost to time and used to be common practice to children 5 years and older. The younglings would learn skills now typically reserved for the highest-trained individuals as parts of day-to-day games and stories. It is important to focus on these past skills and teaching styles and apply them to our modern adventures. The only thing Hutch likes more than adventuring is helping others to begin on their own path.
Style: a mix of military methods and those taught by my grandfather.
Mission: My intention is to help people to train to be their own hero and to help them be able to provide for themselves and those they love in any situation and environment. The real goal is to help you reconnect with the skills and strength of your ancestors.
Philosophy: Sometimes a teacher, always a student.
Personal Motto: No emergency or zombies needed, this stuff is just cool to know.
Military history: Veteran in the USMC, mainly serving in Special Operations and Special Reaction Teams K9.
Specialty skills: (Some but not all)
- Tracking and scouting with K9
- Counter sniper operations
- Primitive fire techniques
- Explosive detection
- Wildcrafter (edible and medicinal plants)
- Operations against guerrilla units
- Antiarmor operations
- Basic forward observation procedures
- Primitive containers and their uses
- Modern and primitive shelters and how to enjoy them
- Primitive methods of food procurement
- Water procurement and purification techniques
- CQB (Close Quarter Battle skills)
- Search and Rescue
- Customs and border patrol
- Primitive navigation techniques
- Bowyer course (bow making)
- Scout knife-only survival
- Natural Cordage and its uses
- USMC hand to hand instructor
- Secret Clearance obtained
Certifications: (Some but not all)
- Monadnock Defensive Tactics System
- Military working dog handler course
- USMC Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Instructor
- American Red Cross Community CPR
- Safe and Tactical driving program EVOC
- Associates Degree of Science
- Sigma 3 Survival Certified Instructor level 1
- Wingate University School of Pharmacy Doctoral Candidate (incomplete)
- Healthcare Provider CPR and AED
Aaron "Hutch" Hutchings
Aaron Hutchings is a true Coloradoan, born and bred. As a seasoned veteran and proud father of four, he has always had a thirst for adventure that began with his grandfather, a bona fide mountain man and hunting guide. From the tales and teachings of his grandfather, Aaron was inspired to explore the great outdoors and seek out thrilling experiences. This passion was further ignited during his time with the Boy Scouts and ultimately turned into an all-consuming inferno during his service in the elite Marine Corps.
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Aaron Hutchings is a Colorado native, veteran, and father of four. He was raised in the Rocky Mountains by a real mountain man and hunting guide he called Grandpa. His love for adventure was first sparked by his grandfather’s teaching and stories. This spark was blown into flame in the Boy Scouts and fanned to a full-on bonfire in the Marine Corps.
Hutch was honored to serve with Special Operations K9 both pre and post 9/11. Because he was K9, Hutch had the privilege of attending several schools, federal and private, that many servicemen would not normally get to attend. It also sent him on many missions ranging from extremely dangerous to just flat out amazing. The Corps is huge on pulling people out of the field occasionally, especially during war, to teach real world things they have learned. It was during a course with Special Operations Training Group that Hutch realized he loved to teach. This lead Hutch to seize the opportunity to train and teach unique skill sets in multiple environments.
After completing courses with some of the most recognized outdoor programs in the country, such as Willow Haven Outdoor (Creek Stewart), Sigma 3 Survival School (Justin Sage Williams/Josh Hamlin), and Pathfinder School (Dave Canterbury), Hutch understood that most outdoor enthusiasts can’t afford the time or expense of travelling the country to acquire the diverse skills offered by multiple schools. This sparked the idea of becoming a lifetime student and full-time instructor. Hutch’s incredible generosity, broad skill set, and hilarious storytelling allows adventurers, regardless of background or experience level, to have a truly unique experience in the wild.
Most recently Hutch has been an assistant teacher for the instructor program at Sigma 3 Survival University in Missouri and a lead instructor for kids classes and K9 classes for Mountain Marrow experiential learning. He also has had the honor of teaching online classes for his friend and teacher, Creek Stewart, on Hutch is honored to be included among the list of professional instructors teaching at The Survival University and began to join the team at the end of 2019. His short-term goals are to go through the Survival University instructor program and continue to train with the best he can find to fine tune his skills and teaching and to head a full throttle children’s program based on introducing real life skills in a nonthreatening, fun, and memorable fashion to help prepare future generations for their adventures and to be their own heroes.
Hutch believes that we can all relearn the skills of our ancestors and adapt them to fine tune our modern skills and tools. Whether you are a descendant of the Vikings, Native Americans, Picts, or other honorable people, one thing is undeniable: none of us would be here if our ancestors were not survivors. One does not have to be a Green Beret to enjoy the outdoor skills and life that they provide. In fact, most of the things taught to the elite forces around the world have merely been lost to time and used to be common practice to children 5 years and older. The younglings would learn skills now typically reserved for the highest trained individuals as parts of day-to-day games and stories. It is important to focus on these past skills and teaching styles and apply them to our modern adventures. The only thing Hutch likes more than adventuring is helping others to begin on their own path.
Style: a mix of military methods and those taught by my grandfather.
Mission: My intention is to help people to train to be their own hero and to help them be able to provide for themselves and those they love in any situation and environment. The real goal is to help you reconnect with the skills and strength of your ancestors.
Philosophy: Sometimes a teacher, always a student.
Personal Motto: No emergency or zombies needed, this stuff is just cool to know.
Military history: Veteran in the USMC, mainly serving in Special Operations and Special Reaction Teams K9.
Specialty skills: (Some but not all)
- Tracking and scouting with K9
- Counter sniper operations
- Primitive fire techniques
- Explosive detection
- Wildcrafter (edible and medicinal plants)
- Operations against guerrilla units
- Antiarmor operations
- Basic forward observation procedures
- Primitive containers and their uses
- Modern and primitive shelters and how to enjoy them
- Primitive methods of food procurement
- Water procurement and purification techniques
- CQB (Close Quarter Battle skills)
- Search and Rescue
- Customs and border patrol
- Primitive navigation techniques
- Bowyer course (bow making)
- Scout knife-only survival
- Natural Cordage and its uses
- USMC hand to hand instructor
- Secret Clearance obtained
Certifications: (Some but not all)
- Monadnock Defensive Tactics System
- Military working dog handler course
- USMC Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Instructor
- American Red Cross Community CPR
- Safe and Tactical driving program EVOC
- Associates Degree of Science
- Sigma 3 Survival Certified Instructor level 1
- Wingate University School of Pharmacy Doctoral Candidate (incomplete)
- Healthcare Provider CPR and AED
Get ready to immerse yourself in nature with Jess Caldwell, the founder of Wildkind Academy, based in Washington State. With a passion for partnering with nature, Jess offers courses in direct living skills including foraging, fishing, hunting, archery, and wilderness living, and believes in cultivating a greater reverence for our symbiotic relationship with all living things through hands-on experiential learning in the outdoors. As a certified Wilderness Survival Instructor through the TSU 50-day Advanced Woodsman program and Wilderness First Responder, Jess brings her expertise to the table along with her holistic health coaching certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Jess offers training in health optimization, nature awareness, seasonal connectivity, mindfulness, and resilience training, all with the goal of increased well-being and equanimity of mind. With Jess, you'll learn to thrive in the wilderness while also tapping into the healing power of nature.

"In this unique time, we are being called to live in greater communion with ourselves, humanity and the natural world. We can awaken our senses to engage life in a more meaningful way through the study of direct living skills and choosing to be a student of the outdoors. Welcome to a life of increased resiliency and simplicity where joy, strength, connection and wonderment awaits"
~ Wildkind Jess
Although Washington has been my home for the last 25 years, I spent my youth as a "free-range" kid living in Central Oregon where riding horses, building fires and venturing out on a trail surrounded by juniper and sage was a natural part of growing up. At age 14, I trekked the PCT from Oregon to Washington for a three-week expedition with Outward Bound and have been finding ways to engage the great outdoors with friends and family ever since. I spent a lot of time in the mountains throughout my life as a downhill ski racer and enjoy the winter months in the Pacific Northwest. I recently recently completed the winter survival training through TSU.
I have discovered that getting "offline" and immersed in the wonders of nature have been crucial for navigating modern stressors with more resiliency. As a parent of two teenage boys, I am well-versed in the many challenges that we all are facing as we consider the next generation and how our modern lifestyles can be detrimental to our mind, body, spirit and planet. In this unique and challenging time of uncertainty, there is freedom and expansiveness through both the inward journey of self-discovery and our personal engagement with the elements and natural world. These can be subtle explorations using the senses as well as hard skills that are available to anyone who has an interest.
Outdoor-based education and learning the basic hard skills that our Ancestors passed down throughout generations, help shift us out of convenient consumption and device addiction and into an integration with the natural world and greater self-reliance. Rewilding ourselves is at the very core of our primal nature. I have spent as much time as possible doing things differently than the current model of city-centric living. Read my Field Notes Blog to learn more about hunting, archery, fishing, foraging and direct living skills. I make connection and community a priority in my life and love being an educator with the opportunity to share and receive knowledge from others. As a certified Wilderness Survival Instructor who graduated the 50-day Advanced Woodsman Course through the Survival University, I am thrilled to partner with TSU to bring more class offerings to our expanding communities.
Although Wildkind Academy HQ is located in Washington, Jess Caldwell teaches courses throughout the western states and beyond. She graduated from Portland State University with a degree in Health & Fitness Promotion and has taught yoga and meditation for nearly 15 years. As an outdoor journalist (read her published articles here) as well as public speaker promoting the outdoor lifestyle featured on podcasts, radio and commercials, Jess is dedicated to sharing her knowledge with those who hear the call of the wild.
Certifications & Education
- 50 Day Advanced Woodsman Certification, The Survival University
- Certified Wilderness First Responder, Offgrid Medic
- Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Institute of Integrative Nutrition
- Certified Yoga & Mindfulness Instructor, Alive & Shine Wellness Center
- Bachelor of Science: Health & Wellness Promotion, Portland State University
Tyler Dean Milligan is a 10-year Army Infantry veteran, a 100% disabled veteran, and a graduate of both the Sigma 3 45-day Instructor Course and The Survival University's 50-day immersion program. Featured as a survivalist on Discovery Channel and HBO Max, Tyler is also a post-apocalyptic author and professional circus acrobat, performing with his wife, Heather. Known for his humor and hands-on teaching style, Tyler’s immersive courses equip participants with essential survival skills while ensuring they have fun along the way.

Tyler Dean Milligan brings a unique mix of grit, humor, and adventure to everything he does. A 10-year Army Infantry veteran and 100% disabled veteran, Tyler has taken on life with resilience and a fun-loving spirit. He’s a graduate of both the Sigma 3 45-day Instructor Course and The Survival University's 50-day immersion program, earning his stripes in some of the toughest survival environments.
Prepare to be amazed by Jason Nauert, the mastermind behind the Rocky Mountain Institute of Meat. With a passion for the outdoors and a talent for butchering, Jason has dedicated his life to training the best of the best. He teaches military Special Forces across the nation how to skillfully process and cook game in the field, so they can sustain themselves on even the most challenging missions. Get ready to learn from the best in the business and become a true meat master with Jason Nauert.
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Though he was born in Illinois Jason has called Colorado his home for 42 years. He grew up in the small town of Woodland Park in the foothills just west of Colorado Springs. Growing up in the foothills Jason had the mountains at his back door which meant he learned everything you could imagine about the outdoors including hunting. Jason has hunted wild game animals for most of his life and with hunting came butchering. Now at 45 he's been butchering animals for 35 years. With construction, law enforcement, landscaping and in a few kitchens as a teenager being the work he did growing up his butchering had come full circle in 2012.
Jason attended the butcher course offered by the Rocky Mountain Institute of Meat and never looked back. By fall of 2013 he left his full time job and pursued his dream of becoming a butcher. Having aligned himself with the ACF and his career taking off a year later in 2014 he was sought out by the Army with an interest in developing a field butchering program for healthier eating while deployed and career advancement back home. Now 4 years later Jason still trains the Army Special Forces and looks to expand into other branches of military in 2018.
Besides his work with the military Jason has had the pleasure of working with Celebrity Chef's like Graham Elliot, Sophina Uong, Rick Tramonto, Hosea Rosenberg and Fernando Ruiz just to name a few, Jason has been a been showcased at food & wine events across the country showing off his butchery and cooking skills.
Tanner Morrison
Tanner's mission is to lay down a solid foundation of safety and proficiency for hunters, archers, and outdoor enthusiasts alike. He's on a mission to unite the worlds of hunting and primitive skills by sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience. With a sharp eye and a steady hand, Tanner is the guide you need to take your outdoor game to the next level.
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From the dusty plains of small-town Texas emerged a hunting and archery prodigy - Tanner. At the tender age of 6, he was already acquainted with the great outdoors, spending his summers helping his father with horses, chores, and gearing up for the fall hunting seasons. As he grew older, he traded in his rifle for a bow, starting with a traditional one before eventually graduating to a compound bow.
Tanner's passion for archery and hunting led him to rub shoulders with some of the best coaches and pro shooters in the industry, including Adam Guggisberg, Michael Braden, John Dudley, Dave Cousins, Tom Clum Sr., and Joel Hunter. From chasing elk in September to hunting whitetail in winters, he has always found solace in the wild. But his love for archery took him down a new path, one that led him to become an archery instructor in his 20s - a role he continues to excel in today.
Returning to his roots as a traditional archer, Tanner feels grateful for the tutelage of Tom Clum Sr. who continually helps him peel away the layers and reach new heights as both an archer and coach. For Tanner, every day is a fresh opportunity to hone his skills, both in the field and in the art of teaching others.
Matthew McFarland was born in Anchorage, and raised in a rather remote part of Alaska only reachable by plane or boat, so it's no wonder that he's always loved being out in nature. Growing up in “The Bush”, Matt started fishing with his parents at the age of 2, and was hunting caribou with his father by the age of 4. As he got older, he continued keeping himself entertained with hunting, fishing, lots of books, and many outdoor (mis)adventures, but he didn't begin his formal outdoor education until after his time in the Air Force as a Civil Engineering Structural Craftsman.
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Matthew McFarland was born in Anchorage, and raised in a rather remote part of Alaska only reachable by plane or boat, so it's no wonder that he's always loved being out in nature. Growing up in “The Bush”, Matt started fishing with his parents at the age of 2, and was hunting caribou with his father by the age of 4. As he got older, he continued keeping himself entertained with hunting, fishing, lots of books, and many outdoor (mis)adventures, but he didn't begin his formal outdoor education until after his time in the Air Force as a Civil Engineering Structural Craftsman. Luckily, his experience with construction, passion for working with his hands, and general sense of curiosity have translated well as he's begun his journey to become a Survival Instructor. In addition to being the first graduate of TSU's 50 Day Advanced Woodsman and Instructor Training Program, Matt has an eclectic mix of education and training under his belt. This mix includes things like Wilderness First Responder certification, whitewater rafting guide training, blacksmithing, fur sewing and leather working, aquaponic gardening, man-tracking, and has been lucky enough to attend events such as the Global Bushcraft Symposium and primitive skills gatherings such as Rabbitstick. A Jack-of-all-trades and a lifelong learner intent on continually improving his knowledge and skills base, Matt looks forward to teaching every class, and learning from his students along the way.
- Jason Marsteiner, The Survival University Founder