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Adventure into the backcountry with us as we retreat into the wild to enjoy 3-days of remote river camping in the mountains of Colorado. We will spend our days immersed in skills training, bushcraft, foraging, crawdad fishing and campfire cooking.


July 23-25, 2024


Adventure into the backcountry with us as we retreat into the wild to enjoy 3-days of remote river camping in the mountains of Colorado. We will spend our days immersed in skills training, bushcraft, foraging, crawdad fishing and campfire cooking.

Welcome in aliveness with this immersion into nature. We will hike, explore, jump into swimming holes, tell stories around the evening fire and celebrate our shared love of the outdoors through our group connection. This unique adventure experience will include learning wilderness skills like fire-making, working with your knife and the fundamentals of setting up a basecamp along with nature crafting.

Allow the nervous system a reset with plenty of time for rest and renewal. Instructor Wildkind Jess will facilitate experiences to breathe more fully, awaken the senses and boost intuition. We find great value in periodically retreating into the wild and returning to the simplicity of nature. Bonus fun that we will be celebrating TSU Founder Jason Marsteiners Birthday during our trip!

This course is for nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, adventurers and those who need a retreat from modern day stressors. We will gaze at the stars, swim under the sun, laugh around the campfire and welcome new friendships through this shared epic experience. Those new to the outdoors are welcome!

“In this unique time of modern living, we are being called to live in greater communion with ourselves, humanity and the natural world. Through wilderness immersion, we can awaken our senses to engage life in a more meaningful way. Through embodiment we will feel greater aliveness and through the love and presence of fellow nature lovers, we find ourselves held in the nourishing web of community.
~ Jess Caldwell

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