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Students will learn how to quickly construct highly effective primitive survival shelters, designed to provide reliable protection in a variety of environments and conditions. These structures are intended for rapid deployment during emergency situations, ensuring you have immediate cover against the elements without the expectation of long-term comfort.


In an emergency situation you have 3 hours to secure shelter in extreme temperatures. Absent an emergency, a person may wish to stay comfortably for an extended amount of time in the woods. This is where primitive shelters have supreme rule! Students will learn to make various styles of primitive shelters including raised beds and full length fires. With a system of easy-to-learn knots, students will be able to construct expedient primitive shelters that will withstand extreme weather conditions. We will explore a variety of shelters for different environments and situations, to create the most effective shelter to withstand inclement weather. Our primitive shelters have survived high winds and cold temperatures with little to no adjustment.

Takeaway: Students will learn to effectively construct a reliable primitive shelter for a variety of environments and situations, to withstand the worst of mother nature. This is great for anyone looking to stay long term in the outdoors in a comfortable and cozy shelter created from the environment around them.


  • Knife use and safety
  • Batoning wood
  • Feather sticking for starting fires
  • Learning and using various knots
  • Long term fire lays
  • Primitive lean-to shelter
  • Primitive debris hut
  • Expedient primitive emergency shelters


  • You show proficient use of knives and knots to effectively perform multiple functions
  • You will understand the importance and build times of various shelter types
  • You will learn how to start a fire using modern tools and primitive materials
  • You will learn how to successfully maintain a fire for long durations
  • You will tie a variety of knots and understand the practical applications for each knot

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