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When enrolling for the class, you only need to sign up and pay for your child. Parents attend for free, so there’s no need to include yourself in the payment process. We encourage parents to actively participate in the learning experience, fostering a collaborative and supportive atmosphere in which you will learn skills too.

When you sign your child up for one of our kids and family programs, they’ll receive an adventure-ready gear box, crafted by Ready Set Adventure and lead instructor Hutch! Each young adventurer gets to keep this gear box and bring it home, so they can keep practicing their new skills long after the class is over.


Families can enroll in "TSU Kids and Family 101" or "TSU Kids and Family 201" in any order. There's no requirement to complete 101 before 201.

When enrolling for the class, you only need to sign up and pay for your child. Parents attend for free, so there’s no need to include yourself in the payment process. We encourage parents to actively participate in the learning experience, fostering a collaborative and supportive atmosphere in which you will learn skills too.

As parents, we have wanted for a while to develop a kid’s program to lay the foundation of safety, learning, and skill for future adventures. The Survival University has teamed up with local teachers, youth leaders, search and rescue teams, and childhood development experts to put together a program that is not only safe and fun, but truly plants the love for outdoors and adventure in the hearts of younger children. The entire TSU KIDS program is based around skills taught through games and stories that your little adventurers are sure to enjoy, remember, and, more importantly, apply when you go out on your own adventures. The curriculum is designed around building confidence and skill should you ever be separated from your little people, but it is delivered in such a way as to let fun trump fear. The emphasis is on getting more out of their time outdoors and enjoying every hike, fishing trip, camp out or even just a stroll through the park. All through history children were using skills we now expect only from the highest trained experts, not because they were in an emergency situation, but simply because they wanted pancakes for breakfast or to play in the woods. It is our most sincere desire to help you return your little adventurer to the skill level of their ancestors and help them take steps towards becoming their own heroes.

As outdoor educators we are subject to nature around us. Because of this, every class will have extra adventures and learning moments that pop up. Knowing this we design each class with a core of things we wish to bring to our students and have a host of back ups to deal with any opportunities that may arise. A small sampling of what our young adventurers should expect to learn about is staying found, basic kids survival skills, fire safety, what to do around animals to stay safe and have a great time, signaling, games to make hiking fun, camp set up, camping games, folklore, a host of starter woodcraft skills to peak ones interest in the outdoors, and of course how to keep the smoke from the fire out of your eyes and the bugs off of your body.


We are commonly asked if the TSU KIDS and Family 101 and TSU Kids and Family 201 classes are too easy for your kids. We absolutely want to get you in the correct class. While this class is beneficial to 5 year old’s, we find even Eagle Scouts and advanced students get a great deal from this class. A quick test to see if this class is right for you and your child.

  1. Can your child make fire with completely drenched wood and no lighter or match?
  2. Can your child accurately follow a map to find an exact tree in the woods?
  3. Can your child carve a spoon safely and efficiently?
  4. Can your child make and bake fresh bread at the fire?
  5. Can your child build a warm and water proof shelter with limited resources and only one foot of rope?
  6. Can your child perform several indigenous skills like making cordage?
  7. Can your child purify water with no modern gear?
  8. Can your child signal accurately over long distances with hand made signaling devices?
  9. Can your child track and deal with animals on the trail?
  10. Can your child treat common ailments such as hypothermia, frost bite, broken legs, severe bleeding, food poisoning etc?



  • Parent(s) are required to attend with their children.
  • Family discounts available to immediate family only.


  • Proper gear/clothing selection for the outdoors
  • Signaling
  • Staying Found (Lost Proofing)
  • Fire Safety
  • Primitive and Modern Fire
  • Primitive and modern shelters
  • Animal Encounters
  • Safe Adventuring
  • Weather Conditions
  • Water and Hydration
  • And More!!!

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