T Bar Snare
The T Bar is one of the more effective snares and fairly simple to set up. I used a saw to cut the notches in the uprights of this snare but you can...
The Survival University offers our community of outdoor adventurers a robust library of training material through our Survival Blog. We believe in passing on our knowledge to empower students with a wealth of information that we find relevant to learning.
The T Bar is one of the more effective snares and fairly simple to set up. I used a saw to cut the notches in the uprights of this snare but you can...
Top 10 Must-Haves Humans are no longer naturally equipped to thrive in the wilderness unaided. Our greatest survival asset is our brain, which has...
I live in Colorado, one of the most adventurous states in America. No matter what direction you go in this amazing state you will find adventure:...
Regardless of experience level, no one is immune from getting lost, injured, or killed while recreating or working in a wilderness environment....
If you are faced with a survival situation or any difficult task really, the Survival Acronym could get you through. They key is to stop and think...
Essential advice for navigating difficult and unexpected situations. With our wilderness survival tips you will learn how to stay safe, healthy, and...
Every good university needs a textbook or two. Below are books I have either read myself or have been highly recommended by others but I have not...
What is a Seep Well? Essentially a seep well is a hole dug in the ground, near a water source that goes below the natural water table. The water from...
Layering your clothing will keep you toasty warm and is the best way to maximize your comfort and is extremely important in Colorado as our weather...
Basic Gear to Spend the Night Outdoors A common mistake most adventures make is heading outdoors without the necessary gear should something go...
The Rule of Threes: A Guide to Survival Priorities When it comes to survival, there are four fundamental priorities you must address. These...