Every good university needs a textbook or two. Below are books I have either read myself or have been highly recommended by others but I have not gotten around to reading them yet. You may not need to read these front to back but skim through them and use them as a reference as needed. Many books these days are digital so that you can read them on your phone, laptop or tablet but I would suggest you purchase books of these type in a hard copy. Should the power go out, books will be of no use unless you have a hard copy.

Click the picture of each book for an Amazon link for more information and to purchase the book

The Principles of Clothes Layering

4 min read

The Principles of Clothes Layering

Layering your clothing will keep you toasty warm and is the best way to maximize your comfort and is extremely important in Colorado as our weather...

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What's in a Wilderness Medical Kit

3 min read

What's in a Wilderness Medical Kit

“What’s in your medical kit?” It’s a simple question with a very complex, situationally-dependent answer, especially for this...

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