Get Home Bag / Survival Kit
What’s in My Survival Kit? A Practical and Honest Guide to My Get Home Bag Let’s get this out of the way: I don’t do Bug Out Bags. Why? Because most...
17 min read
Aaron (Hutch) Hutchings
1/28/25 10:42 AM
I was on my way to visit my oldest son in LA for a few days. As I cleared security and began putting my everyday carry kit back in my pockets, I had an idea. Holding up my fire kit on my keyring and taking a picture to prove it cleared security, I thought, "I could use this in my upcoming book How to Pack a Survival Kit and maybe for a blog." I sent the picture to Jason, the owner of The Survival University, to see what he would think about a series of blogs on packing a B.A.C.K.H.O.M.E. emergency kit that could clear security. I had no idea that when the plane landed, I would be in a full-on city evacuation due to the 2025 LA fires.
I went from writing about being prepared to having to demonstrate preparedness in action when we landed at the start of the 2025 LA fires.
The 2025 LA fires have shown us just how quickly a fire can spread and put lives at risk. For those living in high-risk areas, it is important to have a plan in place and a bug out bag ready. Whether you live in a house or an apartment, knowing how to evacuate during an emergency can make the difference between safety and danger.
I want to share my own experience during the 2025 fires and how my son’s preparation saved us. I was visiting my oldest son in Los Angeles when the fires started. While the smoke filled the sky and sirens blared, we were able to evacuate calmly, thanks to his careful planning and his fully stocked bug out bag. We made our way upwind of the fire, spending seven days safely bugging out in Disneyland. If we had not been prepared, things could have turned out very differently.
We will be discussing survival kits in further depth in the future, but for now please join me as I talk about a quick, bare-minimum, bug out setup, and how it was recently put to the test. We will also talk about how to get out of the city during an evacuation, and some fire-specific concerns such as how to get out of a burning building and what to do if your car is on fire.
We need to get on the same page here. A bug out bag is not a camping kit, it is not a bushcraft kit, it is not even a regular everyday carry kit. A bug out bag is a backpack filled with all the items you need to survive for at least 72 hours if you have to leave your home or apartment quickly. A bug out bag is self-contained, meaning the focus is not on trapping for food or building primitive shelters. It is designed to help you handle an emergency when you need to evacuate and cannot return for several days. The idea is to pack only the basics and keep the bag light enough to carry comfortably. The items in the kit should require minimal skill and effort on your part to get through the 72-hour window. When choosing items, remember that each person in your group needs their own bag, and the contents may differ depending on where you live, your environment, and the types of emergencies you are most likely to face.
Your bag needs to be comfortable and with you at all times. When we do a bag dump we will show you how to pack it with items that clear security and still get the job done.
The style of bag and where you keep it are subjects for future discussion. My son is in a wheelchair, so his style of bag, and some of the items in it, are unique to him. What is important is that your bag not be something that is going to stand out, or bring attention to it. Skip those tacticool bags that are so expensive. All they do is advertise that you have gear and raise the chance that someone will steal your bag before you get to use it, or during an actual emergency. The bag needs to be sturdy, and comfortable. I meet students all the time who bought this trend or that trend of a bag because survival shoe gi joe carried one. But then they load the thing up with gear and it is a true burden to carry. Honestly, a decent-sized school backpack is ideal for a bug-out bag.
Let the other guys get noticed. Your bag should blend in so that no one gives it a second thought. Stay away from bags that get attention!
Give some thought to where you will keep your bag too. This bag needs to be ready to go and easy to get to. One of my teachers stores his bag in a laundry basket by the door with shop towels on top as camouflage.
In the case of the LA fires, we were able to head to Disneyland because we had an evacuation plan in place. My son’s house was in a high-risk area, but we knew we could get away from the fire by heading to the park. Having this plan made it much easier to remain calm in a stressful situation.
Notice how clear the sky is in the direction of the fires. Wind direction kept the smoke, and fire, blowing away from us. In fact, Disneyland did not have to cancel its fire show or fireworks, except for the first night.
Knowing where you are going and how to get there is just as important as packing your bug out bag. But you also need to know how to adjust that plan if your route is blocked or your bug out location is in some way compromised. The location needs to be within 72 hours of travel from your main home location. No matter what do not grab your bag and just pick a random direction. When something like a fire, flood, or zombies causes you to leave the safety of your home, you need to have a destination in mind.
You should always have a “bug out location” planned—a place you can go that is safe and accessible. For those living in a city with heavy traffic or natural barriers, having more than one bug out location is a smart idea. This gives you backup options in case one area becomes too dangerous or too far to reach.
In our case, my son’s house was in a high risk area. We were located on the north tip of the evacuation zone. My son has some pre-planned bug out locations, for example, my property is well-stocked and within his 72 hour time frame. In this case, the wind was heading to the south, it was the wind that caused the fire in the first place and it was also the high winds that were keeping the fire out of control. With the wind to the south, our decision was to head north, specifically to Disneyland.
Being able to navigate confidently is key when planning your evacuation route. If you’d like to improve your navigation skills, check out our Navigation Course, where we teach practical techniques for finding your way in any environment.
Remember a bug out bag is a backpack filled with items that will help you survive for at least 72 hours. These items should almost all be consumable, quick, and easy to use, and aimed at keeping you on the road to a safe evacuation. The key is to pack only what you need. Here is a list of items that are important to have:
Every adult should have their own bug out bag, younger adventurers can carry personal items and some gear too.
If you're looking to involve your family in survival training and build preparedness together, be sure to check out our kids and family courses, where we teach essential skills in a fun and engaging way for all ages.
Learn more about our family-friendly survival programs.
Water is one of the first things you should think about when packing a bug out bag. A good rule of thumb is to pack at least one gallon of water per person per day. This ensures you stay hydrated during an evacuation. Keep in mind that the amount of water you need may increase depending on the weather, how much physical activity you do, and the type of food you eat. For instance, if you are packing protein bars or other high-calorie meals, these often require additional water to digest, so plan accordingly.
There is no guarantee city water will be accessible or safe. In an emergency, stores will empty fast, so prepare in advance.
What if the water from the city tap is no longer safe? Or, what if the water system is shut down? That is why we always keep a gallon jug on hand and sealed tight to avoid any contamination. This extra water will get us through the first day, but we need a plan for more. You will need to find water on the road, so think ahead about where you can refill. It is smart to mark trusted water refill sources on your map. If you are heading in a direction where water supply is limited, then you have no choice but to carry more water.
Most filters will not remove viruses, chemicals, and heavy metals. I pay about four times more for my bug out filter than my camping version, but I want to be ready for any old thing I come across in the water department.
Water is heavy, so having three gallons per person can be a bit much, especially if you are on foot. It makes more sense to have a way to get safe water as you go. One option is to pack a portable water filter. This tool is helpful if you need to drink water from rivers, lakes, or any uncertain source. Some filters are great for taking care of bacteria and common water problems. But if you want to feel extra safe, look for a filter that removes not only bacteria but also viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals. These filters can be more expensive, but knowing that you can safely drink water anywhere is worth it. If you are passing through mining country or farm lands these chemicals and heavy metals become a genuine concern.
Another good idea is to pack a way to boil water. Boiling is one of the simplest ways to make water safe to drink, and it is usually a reliable method. However, I live in an area with a lot of mining and farming, where chemicals and heavy metals are a concern. That is why I make sure my water filter can handle those risks, too. My son lives by the ocean, so he has a small system set up to get drinking water from salt water too.
When evacuating during a fire, especially in an area with limited water sources, you need to be ready to find and purify water. A portable water filter is a great tool to have, especially if you need to drink from rivers, lakes, or other uncertain water sources. Make sure to get a filter that can handle not just bacteria but also viruses, chemicals, and heavy metals, especially if you are passing through areas with farming or mining.
If you lose or break your filter or boiling device, try to find a clean water source. In a fire evacuation, every effort must be made to stay hydrated, so having multiple ways to filter or purify water is a smart choice.
During our LA evacuation, we had to consider both the smoke and the potential contamination of local water sources. This made us even more grateful that we had a filter that could remove harmful substances, as well as the extra gallon jug to ensure we had enough to get us through the first day. Halfway through the first day we made it to Disney Land, and the wind was keeping the fire to the south for the time being, Disney only canceled their fire show one night. We had gone through far more water than usual due to the smoke and heat. We did not know if the wind would shift and evacuating Disney would become an issue too. So one of the first things we did was refill our water supplies and look for our next bug out locations, should we have to leave the area.
By preparing your water supplies ahead of time, you will feel more confident and ready for anything that comes your way. Have water you can carry on you, and more in your car, boat, horse, or other methods of travel if possible, make sure you have a way to resupply on the move.
Shelter is key to staying protected from the elements while bugging out. A tent, tarp, or even an emergency space blanket should be included in your bug out bag. This provides a temporary place of safety if you need to sleep or take shelter from a fire, rain, or extreme temperatures.
Hotels fill up quickly and cannot be counted on, while primitive shelters take too much time. You must have a quick and reliable shelter to stay safe on the move.
Again I stress that this is not your bushcraft bag, or your going off-grid bag. Consider the fact that refugees from an emergency often end up sleeping in gymnasiums, subways, churches, and even abandoned schools. I rarely use a tent on my regular adventures, but having a tent in your bug out gear for privacy goes a long way if you find yourself sheltering in any type of urban situation.
During our LA evacuation, we were lucky to have access to a hotel room at Disneyland, but if we had been on the road longer, we would have needed to set up a shelter. We packed a lightweight tent and a thermal sleeping bag just in case we had to camp out. Keep in mind that hotels fill up quickly, so you may be heading from LA to Colorado and find that there are no hotels available.
If your shelter breaks or is unusable, consider finding cover in a safe area, like a wooded spot away from the fire, or even using a large tarp or emergency bivy sack to protect yourself from the elements.
Clothing is vital for protection from the elements and for comfort while traveling. Pack clothes that are durable, weather-appropriate, and suitable for long periods of wear. In a fire evacuation, you want to be prepared for extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, as well as potential smoke exposure.
Proper clothing is one of the best shelters, check out our blogs on layering to make sure you get the most out of a few properly selected items.
During our escape from the LA fires, we made sure to pack layers of clothing. The weather in LA was hot during the day, but we knew that evenings could get cool. Having a good set of moisture-wicking clothes, a jacket, and an extra set of socks and underwear can make a huge difference when you are on the move. We had additional concerns too, when we left Colorado it was a heavy snowstorm. Should the wind have changed and the evacuation area stretched to Disney land, we would have been driving into the snowstorm when we headed to our next bug out location.
If your clothing gets damaged—whether from smoke, fire, or just wear and tear—make sure to pack extra, especially socks and underwear. These can get dirty quickly and need to be swapped out or washed to avoid discomfort or health issues.
Food is just as important as water when you need to leave your home during an emergency. I know, I know, you can live for three weeks without food in a survival situation. But you may be stuck in an airport, or you may be on foot if your car breaks down. Either way keeping up your morale and energy is important. When packing food for your bug out bag, it is important to consider meals that are lightweight, easy to prepare, and nutritious. You want food that will give you energy and keep you going during long hours of travel or evacuation.
The ability to eat well in off-grid situations is becoming a lost art and is easier than many believe. Fresh, nutritious food keeps you going and uses less water too. Make sure you have a way to eat when fire is not an option.
When I was with my son in LA, we packed high-calorie items like protein bars, jerky, and freeze-dried meals. These foods are great for an emergency because they do not require refrigeration and are easy to eat without cooking. Just be mindful of how much water these types of meals require. For instance, freeze-dried meals need additional water to rehydrate, so keep that in mind when planning your food supply. Do not forget to read the back of supplement-type food, dehydrated food, and even military rations. Many of these require surprising amounts of water intake to be properly digested.
On our way to Disneyland, we ate a mix of protein bars and jerky, and it kept us well-fed and energized as we left the danger zone. We made sure to have extra snacks and a portable stove in case we needed to cook food. We passed several restaurants and fast food joints on our journey, but staying on the road allowed us to stay ahead of evacuation traffic.
Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any prescription medications you may need. A well-stocked first aid kit can make a huge difference if someone gets injured during an emergency. Pack bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any personal medications that might be needed.
I write books and teach at several schools about wilderness living, survival, and primitive skills. I have never saved a life with bow drill, but I have used my first aid skills thousands of times. Accidents happen, and first aid is preparedness in action.
People often overlook the importance of carrying a proper kit and having real world training. By proper I mean simply this, a majority of the pre-made first aid kits you buy are garbage and next to useless in an emergency. I want to pause for a minute and urge you to get medical training. I do not teach medical classes, and I make exactly zero dollars from any of the medical programs at any of the schools I teach at. That being said, one of the most important survival/self-reliance classes you can ever take is basic medical training. The Survival University offers two medical classes. Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder. No prerequisites are required to take this medical training and don't let the term "Wilderness" fool you. This training is valuable anywhere as it teaches you how to improvise with the resources you have in your bug out bag and in the environment around you.
Aside from big emergencies and injuries, you just never know when a minor injury can make a bug out extremely difficult. I actually got hurt during our evacuation, in the strangest way. On the last day of our adventure, the fires were spreading and we figured it was time to head to Colorado, I decided to take the kids to the pool in our hotel before the long trip began. My youngest was swimming for the first time and I was doggy paddling next to him in case he needed assistance. I was not exerting myself at all, or taking any risks, yet I felt the strangest pop in my knee. It is over a week later and I am still using my cane to walk upstairs. Had this happened in the field, knowing how to brace my knee and make a crutch would have been crucial to the successful evacuation of the area.
I do not go anywhere without a fire kit. The ability to make fire gives us so much if we have to get away from electricity. The importance of fire is quickly understood in the woods and wild places, but even in urban situations, I want to know I can get a fire and all of its benefits quickly. A good fire kit should have one open flame source like matches or a lighter, one backup ferro rod, and tons of easy-to-light, long-lasting, hot-burning tinder.
In my Essentials of Survival class, and my upcoming survival kits book, we spend time discussing how combining skills with imagination gives you several legal, and safe, options for kits that will be with you in any security situation.
We did use our fire kit during the Disneyland bug out, but not the way one might guess. The hotel was warm and we did not need a survival fire, but Disneyland is expensive. Being able to use our fire kit and our cooking kit to make breakfast and dinner sure kept us well-fed without going into debt.
A reliable flashlight with extra batteries is one of the most likely items you will use. If your flashlight is rechargeable, bring a solar charger. A flashlight or headlamp is key for navigating in the dark or signaling for help. Be sure to pack extra batteries or a solar-powered light to keep your gear running.
If you lose your flashlight, a phone flashlight app can work as a backup but do not use it as your main light. Imagine your car has broken down in a rainstorm. You could call for assistance, but you want to try and fix the tire or whatever first. Using your phone as a light, in the rain, could damage it and leave you without communication. I think compasses, lights, etc. on a phone make great backups. But in an emergency, we should conserve the phone's battery, and protect it from damage so it can be used to update us on news about the disaster and communicate as a phone if needed.
Tools such as a multi-tool, a knife, and duct tape can help with various tasks during an evacuation. These items can also assist in shelter building, repairing gear, or even self-defense if necessary. A knife or multi-tool can help with a variety of tasks, like building shelter, preparing food, or making repairs. A portable phone charger to keep your devices powered. Having small amounts of cash can be helpful when electronic payment systems are down. Even if you have a GPS, having physical maps of the area is important, especially if the internet or cell service is down.
In addition to generally useful tools, make sure to pack items specific to the needs of your family. My kit has special medicines, wheelchair tools, and items for my child with special needs. Do not forget dog food if you will be taking Fido with you.
Copies of IDs, medical records, and insurance information stored in a waterproof bag. Make copies of important documents like identification, medical records, and insurance policies. These documents can be stored in a waterproof container or electronically. If traveling with kids do not forget birth certificates, authorities are trained to ask for these in an attempt to combat human trafficking.
There are several nifty ways to store personal documents nowadays. I got this little gizmo from Apocabox and it fits in my EDC Altoids tin.
When leaving LA, we made sure to have photocopies of IDs and insurance papers. If your documents are damaged, digital copies or emergency contact numbers can help you recover them quickly.
Keeping clean and managing your hygiene during a bug-out can help prevent illness and discomfort. Pack soap, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and toothbrushes. If you are traveling by car or on foot, these items can be invaluable for maintaining good hygiene.
During our bug out, we used the shower at Disneyland, but that is a rare luxury in a bug out for sure. Whether camping, binge-watching, or bugging out, you should be able to clean your hands before every meal and after every time you go to the bathroom. It is also best practice to clean your eyes, genitals, and feet at least once a day. These precautions prevent injuries like UTI, rash and blisters as well as sickness.
If you lose or break your hygiene items, find natural water sources, or consider carrying biodegradable soap and towel wipes that are easy to use without running water.
Now my family had it lucky, we were prepared, and our location was at the far north end of the evacuation area with the wind moving the danger south. I certainly thank God for these things. There were others that were not so lucky, and even if prepared Disneyland would not have been an option. In the future, we will get more detailed on bug out bags and bug out skills, but before we go we should talk about some important planning portions of the evacuation specifically related to fire.
If you are in a house or apartment when a fire breaks out, it is important to act quickly:
If you are in your car when a fire starts, follow these steps:
When fires strike, evacuation routes may become clogged with traffic. Here are some tips for getting out safely:
If something in your bug out bag is lost or broken, do not panic. Focus on what you can do with what you have left. This is where your time learning skills will become valuable. My general rule when designing classes for The Survival University is this. Take a piece of gear aimed at an objective, then teach the students how to choose this gear, how to use this gear, and what skills come into play if the gear is broken, stolen, or lost. This has proven to be an incredibly effective way to organize one's training for self-reliance and disaster preparedness.
The 2025 LA fires are a reminder of how important it is to be prepared for any disaster. Having a well-stocked bug out bag and a clear evacuation plan can help you escape danger and keep you safe during a fire. If you have not yet prepared your bug out bag, now is the time to start. Join us for our step-by-step packing instructions in a few blogs from now. Whether you are living in a house or apartment, or driving in your car, you must be ready to act quickly. The next emergency may come sooner than expected, and being prepared can save your life.
Stay positive, stay safe, and I will see you again soon on the adventure trail.
Instructor Bio:
Aaron “Hutch” Hutchings is a seasoned survival, bushcraft, and wilderness living instructor with years of experience both as a student and a teacher. He is the owner of Ready Set Adventure Box ( and serves as a lead instructor at The Survival University (, where he teaches both beginner and advanced courses, as well as runs youth and family programs. Hutch has studied under some of the biggest names in the survival industry, and has even worked with a few of them directly.
A former Marine and lifelong Boy Scout, Hutch grew up immersed in outdoor skills, thanks in part to his grandfather, another outdoor instructor who used training with survival legends as rewards for achieving goals. Hutch is also the author of four books and brings a unique perspective to his teaching as someone who is autistic. His passion for survival skills and outdoor education shines through in every class he teaches.
What’s in My Survival Kit? A Practical and Honest Guide to My Get Home Bag Let’s get this out of the way: I don’t do Bug Out Bags. Why? Because most...
Mastering Fire for Survival: Packing a Fire Kit for Warmth, Cooking, and Signaling or How to Pack a TRUE emergency fire kit. At least one time a...
Mastering Fire with a Lighter: Overcoming Challenges and Maximizing Reliability